Thursday, January 29, 2009

How To Build a List of Prospects That Will Pay You Again and Again

Using an email autoresponder as an affiliate marketer will allow you to market to your prospects time and time again. This will essentially generate multiple streams of income for you in the process. However, you need to be strategic in doing this. No one likes being marketed to upfront, so you should not try to sell to your prospects the minute they opt-in to your list. Instead, it will pay dividends to build a relationship with these prospects first, so that they grow to know, like and trust you. Once you've properly established a relationship, then you can begin marketing.

To be able to generate multiple streams of income from this list, you will need to market several products. I would first recommend having a “primary, high-ticket opportunity” and then smaller ticket products that you can both lead with before the primary opportunity and follow with after.

Here's an example:

My primary business opportunity has a $1500 price point. Subsequently, when someone opts into my email list for this, it's not likely they will purchase until after 3-5 business exposures. So during this time, I begin building a relationship with them where I give useful content about online business and entrepreneurship. After I start building this relationship, I begin to market my primary opportunity to them. Then, once they join I get paid. I will make money again from this list even after they join my primary business. This is because I am an affiliate of several internet marketing products that my business partners will likely need once they get started (things like a website builder, email autoresponder software, and keyword research tools etc). So, not only can I market my main business opportunity to my list, I can also market a bunch of other useful internet marketing based affiliate products.

As you can see, an email autoresponder software, even a cheap autoresponder at that, can allow you to build a list of prospects that will pay you again and again. And assuming you are marketing useful products to them, then it's great not only for you but for them as well. For my email autoresponder, I use AWeber. If you're a serious internet marketer, I encourage you to check it out as well.

AWeber Email Autoresponder

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