Monday, July 7, 2008

Coming Home

I can't tell you how much fun I've had living abroad and experiencing life in other countries. The worth of these experiences to me is almost indescribable. I started traveling heavily when I was in college, but that came to a screeching hault once I graduated. For several years, I was pretty much bound to the "two weak" vacation of the business world. Not having much vacation time didn't sit well with me, but I took it in stride as part of the game, and one of the sacrifices necessary for moving up the ladder.

After a few years of this type of sacrifice, it finally hit me that I just wasn't going to be satisfied waiting until retirement to have time freedom, mobility and financial independence. Thus, I made the decision to remove myself from the deferred life plan mentality (i.e, the one where we sacrifice our early adult lives and middle age for the hope of a nice retirement). I just figured that there HAD to be a way to save for retirement while having more freedom along the way. Admittedly, leaving the coporate path was a tough thing for me to consider, because so many of my peers were seemingly happy with this life. I started out after college working in investment consulting, which I enjoyed well enough at the time. I liked the group of associates that I was a part of and there was a good balance between work and play. I definitely had the opportunity to make some great friends and learn a lot about finance from professionals who had spent their careers in the industry.

As I approached the 3+ year mark as an associate, I knew I was soon to be faced with the choice of business school or finding a new job. Very few if any ever climbed the ranks from associate up to management without first heading back for the mandatory 2 year stint in business school, so it was a perfect time for me to make my exit.

That's when I decided I needed to become an entrepreneur to have the lifestyle I wanted. I started networking with other entrepreneurs and found an opportunity for myself in the home based travel industry with a company called Coastal Vacations. It was here that I started to learn how to successfully apply internet marketing and personal developent to the building of my business. I ended up moving from Coastal when an opportunity to join Platinum One Destinations came about, and subsequently, I've been there ever since.

For me there are many keys to success in network marketing and home business. But in my opinion, some of the most important are:

1) Spending as much time developing yourself as you do your business! I believe that you have to focus on your own personal development and continuing education. This in turn will translate into more business success.

2) Have a really, REALLY good WHY for what you are doing. Having big goals like places you want to travel to, fortunes you want to make, a future family you want to support, or benevolences you want to give, will power you through the difficult time when your energy is low and confidence is even lower.

3) Learn how to use leverage in your business development! I teach my team members how to use Web 2.0 the right way. There are many ways to use leverage, like harnessing the power of the internet and learning from the experiences of those who have gone before you. These are just a few points that I will definitely talk more about soon.

Have a great week!

Dan Snow

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