Thursday, January 15, 2009

Keyword Locator - My Favorite Keyword Locator Tool For Massive Traffic

Good keyword research should be the first task you undertake when optimizing your web site.  It will act as the foundation of your business, and without committing time here, the rest of your efforts may well be in vain.  Simply put, keyword research is finding out what terms your potential prospects are searching for in the search engines, and then optimizing your website and back links so as to include these keywords.

Doing keyword research without a keyword locator tool is quite time consuming and it is not an exact science.  It's like driving without a map or throwing darts in the dark.  You might find your way eventually, but you run the risk of missing out on great keywords and revenue opportunities along the way.

For about my first year marketing online, I did not use a keyword locator tool and I paid a heavy price. 
Despite my most valiant efforts, I missed out on many niche keywords related to my business, and in turn, I was getting pummeled by my competition on the search engines.  Finally, I purchased a keyword research tool and it turned out to be one of the best investments I've ever made.  It wasn't expensive and it paid itself off in the value that it added in about a week.

Remember, if you choose the wrong keyword, you could end up setting yourself back several months by promoting it.  It would be a shame to learn that you had spent all this time promoting a keyword that everyone else was promoting, thus making it almost impossible to stand out on the search engines.  Even worse, imagine if you were promoting a keyword that wasn't even being searched all!  That's a mistake no one wants to make!

The keyword research tool I've been using which has done wonders for me is Micro Niche Finder. If you're looking, definitely check it out here: Micro Niche Finder

Have a great day!

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