Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to Manage Stress As An Online Entrepreneur

People have long compared the life of an entrepreneur to a roller coaster, and rightly so. It's an up and down struggle with no guaranties – a world without salaries and regular paychecks. Profits are only made when our efforts are productive. This is no different for today's internet entrepreneur than it was for entrepreneurs of past generations. Stress for us comes in all shapes and sizes. For some, it results in not having enough hours in the day, or lacking tech savvy. For others, it lies in not being able to generate enough leads to their business opportunity, or being insecure about their own training of new business partners. Whatever it may be, we as internet entrepreneurs need to learn how to manage stress and rise above our challenges. We're in a great industry with enormous potential, but many of us are first time entrepreneurs, so we need to be cognizant of the unavoidable hurdles and learn how to overcome them

One of the ways I teach new teammates how to manage stress is through mindset training. Once a person has a strong mindset, stress will not affect him/her in the same way. A proper mindset allows you to understand that business growth is directly correlated to your own personal growth. You can continually add value for your prospects by becoming a better you. This realization will do wonders in dealing with stress, because it will allow you to remove your emotions from the “yes's and no's.” If a person elects not to join your business, it will not bring you down. This is because you have the equation for success. Improve yourself and your business growth will follow. As long as you are committed to achieving personal growth, your business will improve and stress will become easier to deflect. This one philosophy alone makes entrepreneurship so much easier.

Aside from mindset training, I recommend that you always keep in mind what it is that separates those who succeed from those who don't. It really comes down to the following: have a dream, pursue your dream with intensity and never give up. This may sound really cliché, but if you think about it it's true. Before you begin any entrepreneurial venture, you want to begin with your end goal in mind. If your goals are big and important enough, then nothing will be able to stop you. If your goals don't carry much weight or don't really mean much to you, then they won't pull you through the tough times. Once you start pursuing your dreams, never give up no matter what. Those who succeed just never quit. It's that simple. Obviously you need to be watching your progress, because lots of effort without direction won't get you far either. Having a goal, pursuing it and resolving never to quit should help you overcome any stress you are faced with along the way.

Lastly, overcome stress by taking care of yourself. If you're an internet marketer, then you have the luxury of working from home. You don't have to waste time commuting every day, so use that time to your advantage. Exercise, eat properly and get enough rest! There's no reason why we shouldn't be healthier than our corporate counterparts. Our business success depends on our energy and vitality, so make sure you do everything possible to keep yourself in the best shape!

I hope these suggestions help you on your path to success.

Platinum One Destinations

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